For authors - UzMJ

Uzbek Mathematical Journal
UzMJ was founded in 1957. It is coordinated by the V.I.Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
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Journal accepts in an initial level manuscript with pdf source. Manuscript should be written in English and should not be published earlier or submitted to another journals excepting preprint versions in different platforms. Manuscript should be sent to the e-mail:

Managing editor will find appropriate reviewers for further consideration of the manuscript. You can also suggest or oppose reviewers.

After successful review, authors should send the final version of the manuscript with tex source (Latex, Miktex,...). Below you can download journal's template.

If the authors use the doc file and they are unable to convert the file into LATEX, then our production office will do this conversion.
It is the authors responsibility to prepare papers as per formatting instructions of the publisher. Accepted papers may not be published unless they meet the publishers formatting standard.

We note that publication in our journal is free of charge and published papers will be available in open access form.

By submitting a manuscript for publication to UzMJ, authors acknowledge that the work is original and is not being submitted to another journal. The submission of a manuscript by the authors implies that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to Uzbek Mathematical Journal if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
Uzbek Mathematical Journal
(C) Erkinjon Karimov, 2019
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